It’s hard to believe that it was 2 years ago in February 2022 that we told you that the Government of Guyana had approved funding for upgrades to 6 Regional Hospitals in Guyana. The Guyanese Ministry of Health had asked for GHTK’s help in determining with colleagues on the ground in Guyana, the nature and extent of equipment that was required.
This resulted in a comprehensive equipment listing for all 6 hospitals being developed and accepted in its entirety by the MOH. The expenditures were approved by the government, and it was decided that the first two hospitals to be upgraded would be West Demerara and New Amsterdam – Regional Hospitals serving large populations.
Once again, the MOH reached out to GHTK for assistance with this project because of the expertise of members of the Board who have been involved with the overall goal of improving neonatal mortality in Guyana. It must be remembered though that when GHTK does these things it is always in concert with colleagues in Guyana. It is fair to say that without trust in the relationships that have been built over the years, we would not have been successful.
Mr. Kelly Pearce has been a long-standing member of the Board of GHTK, and in his previous life he was a Respiratory Therapist. His knowledge of the type equipment needed in NICUs is unparalleled, and his negotiating skills are even better. Despite his many other commitments, Kelly agreed to take on the task of working with those in Guyana, the Suppliers, the MOH, the Courier companies, the Customs – in fact all that are involved in such a massive endeavor.
However, the Board recognized that Kelly could not do this alone, and we were incredibly fortunate to retain the services of Cassandra Dass Pearce, who has worked along with Kelly in his private business endeavors for many years. Cassandra joined Kelly on this journey for GHTK as Consultant-Project Assistant in December 2022. Having someone who has the extensive knowledge of procurement and all that it entails as well as the technical knowledge about the equipment needed has been integral to the success of this program. In Kelly’s words “the selection, negotiating and procuring the most
appropriate equipment for the NICUs (with the funds provided) in terms of functionality, user-friendliness, reliability and maintenance support is very challenging. However, after that comes the
complicated logistics, which includes: protective packaging, shipment by ocean and air freight, documentation, customs clearance and warehouse storage in Guyana.
All these steps require experience with all aspects of the process and meticulous arrangements to ensure that the equipment arrives from overseas in good operational condition. We then have to make other arrangements for delivery, installation and training at the respective hospitals in Guyana.
Cooperation and coordination with representatives from equipment suppliers, shipping companies, GHTK, Guyana MOH, custom brokers and the respective hospitals in Guyana must all work in harmony to ensure success.”
Kelly advises that everyone involved in this process has been supportive, cooperative and diligent in their respective roles. Underlying all this is the simple fact, that the compelling goal of everyone is to reduce the neonatal death rate in Guyana. There is no doubt that with this significant investment by the Government through the Ministry of Health, we will all succeed.
We would be remiss if we did not mention the incredible support we have received from the companies we are procuring the equipment from (and please note that all the necessary legal requirements of tendering for equipment are used), the companies are: Avante Health Solutions – USA; KD Enterprise – Guyana; CMI Health Inc – USA/China; VIA Global Health – USA; Phoenix Medical Systems – India; McArthur Medical Sales Inc – Canada; Neotech Products Inc – USA; Homelifecare Services – Canada.
Previously GHTK has purchased or received donated NICU equipment for Georgetown Public Hospital in Guyana from several of the above-noted suppliers and they have always been supportive with prices, terms, and donations in recognition of GHTK’s charitable efforts. In most cases their equipment has already been successfully used in Guyana for many years.
Equipment we have been purchasing includes: NICU Ventilators, Incubators, Radiant Infant Warmers, Bubble CPAP Devices, Infusion Pumps and Phototherapy Lamps.
Thank You – we would like to extend our sincere thanks to Kelly and Cassandra for the incredible work they are doing to support this project. They have devoted much time and energy over the past three months – and their work is ongoing. We are awed by their dedication and commitment to our cause and their caring for babies that will live because of their work.
In closing
It is important to share with you that our work continues at GHTK and we remain incredibly thankful for your ongoing support and interest in what we do.
Best Wishes
Dr. Narendra Singh, President, GHTK