
Changing Lives
In the heart of Guyana's hinterland, nestled amidst breathtaking landscapes and tight-knit communities, lies a story of courage and resilience where, sadly, mothers and children face significant challenges in accessing the quality healthcare they deserve.
Despite the beauty and lushness of the region, its remoteness is one of the major contributors to the disparity in delivering services to the area, resulting in elevated maternal and infant mortality rates and elevated rates of teen pregnancy. While health services are available in the hinterlands. the skillset among practitioners, availability of equipment, and health literacy compromises quality and creates a significant disparity compared to what is delivered in the coastal regions.
Recognizing this need, GHTK in conjunction with McMaster University applied to Global Affairs Canada (GAC) for a grant to address these disparities and was awarded $2.5 million in March 2023 for its project dedicated to delivering maternal, neonatal and child health to the hinterlands. The initiative will be executed over a five-year period with the ultimate goal of increasing the survival rate of women of reproductive age (15-49), as well as newborns and children under 5. Intermediate outcomes include increased access to and improved effectiveness of health services, while immediate goals encompass improved capacity for maternal care and supporting healthcare workers in special care nurseries. GHTK forecasts an increased percentage of moms and babies receiving high quality care, including high-risk newborns, and lower teen pregnancy rates. Along with the grant, GHTK will make a 10 percent contribution ($272,000) to help fund the project.


The project is governed by a project steering committee, composed of designates from GAC, McMaster University, GHTK and other participating partners. The stakeholders include:
● Global Affairs Canada (Project Sponsor)
● McMaster University (Executing Agency)
● Giving Health to Kids (Implementation Partner)
● Guyana Ministry of Health
● Guyana Neonatal Network
● Maternal and Child Health
● World Health Organization
● Pan American Health Organization
● Regional Democratic Council
● McMaster University (Executing Agency)
● Giving Health to Kids (Implementation Partner)
● Guyana Ministry of Health
● Guyana Neonatal Network
● Maternal and Child Health
● World Health Organization
● Pan American Health Organization
● Regional Democratic Council
GHTK has a long history of working with healthcare professionals in Guyana, while McMaster University has been an integral part of the work undertaken by GHTK over the past decade.
We are committed to building opportunity and equity through proper access and effectiveness within the hinterland healthcare system.
We are here to ignite change that will echo through future generations and ensure a hinterland where every mother's love and every child's laughter shine brightly.
We express sincere gratitude to Global Affairs Canada for giving us the opportunity to make a difference.
Your contribution to change the future of those in need is appreciated.